Regarding Event Registration

Registration Date and Time

2019 Friday, February 15th  Saturday, February 16th 10:00 ~ 20:00

2019 Friday, February 15th Saturday, February 16th 10:00 ~ 20:00

※The marathon administration is not responsible for any runners unable to register in time due to traffic conditions, parking availability, etc.
※Registration will not be available on the day of the marathon.

Required Items for the Marathon

(1) Number Card Voucher


On the day of the marathon, it may be difficult to show your QR code from your webpage depending on web traffic conditions. To avoid this issue, please either print your number card voucher and bring it with you or take a screen shot of your QR code and use that to register instead.
※Screenshot-taking methods will differ by phone and maker. Please consult with your phone’s maker or your cell service provider if you have any questions regarding cell phone operation.

(2) Personal Identification

Registration Area Information

Runner registration will be conducted based on the number on your number card voucher. Please go to the appropriate registration area and either display your QR code or provide your number card voucher.

For Historical Full Marathon・Recovery Challenge Fun Run participants

For Kanakuri Memorial Kumanichi 30 Kilo Road Race participants


Number card voucher, Guidebook download can be found here (My Page Login).

Number card, QR code voucher, guide book download